Innovate Projects. 💡

I learned about the power of technology in creating impacts in the world when I attended my first hackathon. Ever, since I have been exploring a variety of technologies including:

đŸ–Ĩī¸ Machine Learning
🔌 Electrical Engineering
ℹī¸ App Development
🌐 Web Development

Automatic Car Crash
Sensing and Reporting.

✅ Created a product, Savus, using ESP32 Feather, accelerometer, Firebase Cloud Function, and Twilio API/Programmable Voice to automatically detect car crashes and report them to first-responders and emergency contacts.
🎤 Presented it to 100+ audience
🏆 Won Best Business Award out of 15 teams, bestowed by Wharton Professor Babin and UPenn Engineering Professor Deliwala

Assessing Police Reform.

✅ Created a solution to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of police reform in the U.S.
🎤 Presented it to XPRIZE Executive Board Members and 150+ audience
🏆 Won the overall Global Challenge hosted by XPRIZE, a multi-million company that supports creative solutions to real-world problems, and The Knowledge Society, an olympic-level human accelerator

Detecting Bias in
the Criminal Justice System.

✅ Created a model that assessed racial and gender bias in the criminal justice system using COMPAS dataset, Python, Logistic Regression, SVM, Random Forest, and Neural Network.
🎤 Presented it to 50+ audience

Increasing Voter Literacy.

✅ Created an app, Edlection, using XCode that educates voters on the upcoming 2022 Senate primary elections.
🎤 Presented it to 200+ audience